Stormi was kind and loving.
He didn’t know how big he was, thinking he was a small lap dog, my
LAPrador I’d call him. He’d love to climb into your lap, sometimes it was only
the front end that made it. He was a people person and was always nearby,
usually sitting somewhere in the way, like the middle of the kitchen floor or
in the hallway or outside the bathroom, waiting to trip you up. He’d whine if you were outside and he was
in. He loved to give you big, slobbery
kisses and hugs and sometimes would nibble your nose. I don’t know why, but he loved to nibble
Stormi loved our other animals, and he pretty much let them
walk all over him. When he had a treat
and the other dog stole it, he never tried to get it back. I don’t think he ever growled at anyone or
anything in his life. He loved playing with the grey cat, Smoki, especially when they were both young. Stormi would chase Smoki around the house. We always knew when Stormi caught Smoki because his hair was slobbered up in a funky mohawk from Stormi's kisses. In later years the chasing stopped and they became good friends.
Stormi is gone, but not his hair, he shed so much that we
will forever be finding it. We used to be constantly sweeping it up. Sometimes after sweeping we’d have a whole
other dog made of hair. This was even
with furmanating him. There’s a brush called the furmanator, it works well, but
Stormi had so much hair.
I had to go on a week-long trip for work, I hated leaving him, and I
hoped he was still with us when I returned.
The day I was to return home I got a call that Stormi had lost much of
his energy, but he was still doing ok.
By the time I returned home, though, he was barely moving but
enthusiastically wagged his tail when he saw me. We immediately took him to the emergency
vet. By this time he wasn’t moving at
all. The vet suspected he had lymphoma,
a type of cancer, because his all his lymph nodes were swollen as were his
eyes. I don’t believe he would have survived much longer and attempting any
treatment would have been cruel. We did
the kindest thing we could and we put him to sleep. I stayed with him petting him and talking to
him as he passed.
As we have done with all our departed pets, we had him cremated. A little side note, my father had wanted to
be cremated and when he passed we complied with his wishes. We were deciding on what type of
container. We didn’t want an urn or box
that screamed “dead person here” so we opted for a plain wooden box.
There is a wonderful pet crematory that all the vets in the
area use and we have used before. What I
didn’t know is that they had improved the service they provided. Their service was excellent. Our pets had Included was been returned to us
in a lovely, heavy duty cardboard box, with a card, very nice. I was absolutely shocked at what was returned
to us, shocked in a good way. Stormi was
returned to us in a beautifully finished cedar box with a name plaque. They also sent a mold of his paw print, a
card and wild flower seeds to plant in his memory. Never before had I seen anything like
this. It was wonderful. The only problem
is now Stormi is in a better box than my father! I think dad’s ok with that
though, he loved Stormi.
There is an empty place in our house, but Stormi will always
have a special place in our hearts. We
miss him now, but we’ll see him, and all our loved ones, again. Until then, Stormi and my mom and dad are
taking long walks in heaven.